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Online Safety

Online Safety/Cyberbullies/Social Media

StudentsMost studies agree there are 77 million of you on the Internet! Almost as many students as there are things to do online. The Internet has infinite possibilities, and it is easy to get lost. Sometimes when you are lost you discover wonderful new places, but just as easily you can find yourself in a dangerous situation. You must protect yourself from the pitfalls lurking online. To help you, we have gathered everything you see on this page to help you make good choices and protect yourself.


General Online Safety


  • Guard your identifying information (name, sex, age, address, school, teams).It only takes a little information for a predator to identify you. Never give our your identifying inforation or your parents identifying information without your parent's permission.

  • Always remember, responsible adults do not pursue relationships with kids and teens.

  • Friends' that you've made through social media are not always who they say they are. Do not respond to any messages that are mean or in any way make you feel uncomfortable. It is not your fault if you recieve a message like that. If you recieve a message that is mean or makes you uncomfortable tell your parents right away. In turn, do not do anything will harm others, such as sending mean messages or sending inapropraite pictures or links.

  • Attachments in e-mails from strangers may contain Viruses and Worms. Even if you know the person who has sent you something that requires you to download an attachment, check with you parents before downloading anything, or installing software. This will help prevent you from doing anything that could possibly hurt our computer or mobile device or jeopardize your family’s privacy.

  • Be careful who you share information of yourself or pictures of yourself with. Talk with your parents about what is and what is not aprorpate to share.  Do not post any pictures that your parents consider to be inappropriate. 

  • Do not illegally download music and movies.









What is a Cyberbully and why do they do what they do?

When it comes to cyberbullying, people are often motivated by anger, revenge or frustration. Sometimes they do it for entertainment or because they are bored and have too much time on their hands and too many tech toys available to them. Many do it for laughs or to get a reaction. Some do it by accident, and either send a message to the wrong recipient or didn't think before they did something. The Power-hungry do it to torment others and for their ego. Revenge of the nerd may start out defending themselves from traditional bullying only to find that they enjoy being the tough guy or gal. 


  • Never respond to mean or rude texts, messages, and e-mails.

  • Delete any unwanted messages.

  • You may need to delete friends who continuously

  • bother you or post things that are not appropriate.


Learn more about cyberbullying and how to prevent

it with the resources below:




For your Parents:







Social Media 


When using any social media, always keep the general online safety guidelines in mind. Additionally, however, you will want to take your privacy into consideration a bit more seriously.  Please take note of the following:


Social Networking: the 4 Characteristics of Digital Media
  1. It’s searchable – anyone, anytime, anywhere can find it.

  2. It’s forever – anyone (even Gran, the school principal, your future boss) can find it today, tomorrow, 30 years from now.

  3. It’s copyable – once they find it they can copy it, share it and change it.

  4. It has a global invisible audience – even if your page is private, you can’t tell which friend shares your pages. You have no control over what friends will do with it.


The two links below will tell you more about what information is automatically viewable in a few of the most popular social media platforms, how you can be found though them, and some things that strangers can learn about yu though your social media profiles.








Knowing what people can learn about you though social

media can make it all seem pretty scary. Fortunately there

are ways that you can manage your online social life and

keep your life private.
























Illustration by Lillian Chan

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